
I'm Ilia Jones.  Minneapolis-based human woman writing and learning from each person and experience I encounter.  I write about things that inspire, challenge and move me and most things inbetween.  Welcome!  I'm glad you're here. 

The Most Beautiful Song In the World

The Most Beautiful Song In the World

Although that title indeed contains a bit of hyperbole, I still maintain that this song is one of the best.  In honor of the day of love, I have put my cynicism aside (for now) to bring you this message.  

Whether you're in a relationship or not, remember that love is about lifting others up and in turn, becoming a better (wo)man.   Something my mom always taught me as a kid was that everyone is fighting their own battle and the simple gesture of smiling at someone can turn their day around.  

I hope you all have a beautiful Valentines weekend and take the time to show someone some love. 

5 Intentions to Set to Make Your Day Great

5 Intentions to Set to Make Your Day Great